Last Tree Standing Read online

  Last Tree Standing

  “REALLY? You want me to go out at seven at night on Christmas Eve and get a live tree?” Foster stared at his roommate, arms crossed over his chest. No way. This was Western Colorado in December. It was cold out there; snowing, even. His balls tried to crawl up into his body at the very thought of going outside, in fact.

  Melanie stared back, her eyebrow climbing nearly to her hairline. “Yes. I didn’t think I would have Casey, but her dad is dropping her off tomorrow so he and the new wife can go to Cozumel. Says flying on the actual holiday is way cheaper.” Her foot began to tap, which was a sure sign of impending doom. Melanie was a saint most of the time, but when her ex disappointed their daughter, things got bad.

  “I thought you said ‘No Christmas this year.’ Just hanging out in our sweats eating popcorn.” Not that Foster was a holiday hater. Far from it. He and Melanie had just made a pact to be alone together, and now he was going to be odd man out.

  “I’m sorry.” Blue eyes softening, she reached out a small freckled hand. “We’ll do shots on New Year’s.”

  “Promise?” Trying a grin, he hauled his coat out of the closet and checked to make sure he had his wallet. Casey was a tiny little girl, just like her mom, with freckles and bright green eyes. How could he disappoint his roomie’s kid and leave her with no tree, no Santa Claus? “You got the ornaments and all, right? I don’t need to stop at the storage unit?”

  “Nope. Just tree and Starbucks.”


  “Always,” she said, grinning while she shoved him out the door.

  He yanked out his gloves and pulled them on, the frigid Colorado night taking his breath. He loved living at six-thousand feet most of the time, but at twenty degrees on Christmas Eve, it was a whole different story.

  Now, where to find a damned tree? He pulled out his phone, then cursed when he realized he’d have to take off his gloves to use the touch screen. He sure hoped Melanie had gotten him those tech-friendly gloves he’d asked for this year.

  Trotting out to the curb, he hopped in his truck, cranking it up to get the heater going. He’d wait for the windshield to defog before he hit the phone again to find a tree lot. Lord help him if he had to go to Walmart and get a fake tree. Melanie would kill him. Her little girl’s daddy had promised her a real tree and reneged on it. It was up to Foster to make it right.

  There should be a tree lot on the corner of North Avenue, down by the college.

  He headed out as soon as the truck warmed up enough to grab the steering wheel. Even with gloves he didn’t want to grab it ice cold. Sure as shit, there sat the sorry-looking tree lot, all empty, with windblown, straggly twinkly lights.

  There was a tree. One tree, which was too big by half, but bright green and healthy-looking, which seemed like a sign. He’d been half expecting a Charlie Brown pathetic tree, but it looked okay. But he sure hoped the stand was still open. He burned through the light as soon as it was green, swinging into the parking lot.

  The lot held a beat-up POS Ford and a dude in a jeans jacket with a pair of the longest legs he’d ever seen in Wranglers.

  “Hey! Are you selling the trees, man?” Foster hopped out of his own toasty warm truck, his eyelashes thinking about freezing.

  “Too late, man. This one’s mine.” The drawl was slow, lazy, absolutely not local. Mr. Wranglers was not the tree man.

  “What?” It was the last tree. No way was Foster giving it up. “Dude, I have a little girl coming for Christmas tomorrow who needs that tree.”

  “You should have planned better, man.” Mr. Wranglers pushed cash into the hand of an old man standing nearby. “I’ll put it in the truck.”

  “Wait.” He looked at the old guy, who he hadn’t seen before now. “I’ll double whatever he’s giving you.”

  “I’ve already bought it!”

  “Well, now…,” the old man said.

  Desperation made him turn to the cowboy. “I’ll give you double what you paid for it. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but I need that tree!”

  “Like I don’t. Dude, come on. I promised these kids a fucking Christmas and they’re fixin’ to get it.”

  Kids? Plural? That might trump him. “Your kids?”

  “The kids at the hospital where I work. The group that was supposed to deliver Christmas to them just… flaked. I’m taking this tree.”

  Foster’s shoulders slumped. Sick hospital kids. He’d have to be a full-time asshole to try to take that tree, and he really tried only to be a jerk part time. “Damn. You don’t know where there’s another lot, do you?” he asked the old man.

  “I’m it, man. Sorry. It’s late.” He shrugged. “Try Wal-Mart?”

  “Damn,” he said again. He could just go try his luck cutting a tree, he supposed, but if he got caught on BLM land hacking one down, he’d spend Christmas in jail. “Casey’s gonna be so damned disappointed.”

  The last tree sat in the guy’s truck, tied down. “Good luck, man. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.”

  “Wait!” It was a crazy impulse, but he ran over to the man’s truck. “Look, I can help you set this up at the hospital and make a donation if you help me find another tree.” Two sets of eyes had to be better than one. If there was another lot in town, it would take way less time to find it with help.

  “Shit, man, you help me set it up, I’ll let you have the one I have at my house.” Those eyes that met his were almost panicked. “The party starts at eight.”

  “You’re on.” He didn’t ask why the guy hadn’t taken the one from his house in the first place. It wasn’t his place to pry, even if he was intensely curious about Mr. Wrangler. “I’m Foster. You going to Community?” St. Mary’s would have a tree already. Those nuns had money.

  “Yeah. I’m Levi. You can follow me and we’ll park in the back.”

  “Sure. Levi, huh? Not Wranglers?” Foster chuckled. He knew the way, but he let the cowboy lead. Levi. It was a neat name. They drove to the little hospital, which always looked more like a warehouse store than anything else. They parked, and he hurried to meet Levi at the door, trying to get his ass out of the cold.

  Levi hopped out, swiped a card and the big doors opened. They muscled the tree into the back entrance, and damned if Santa central wasn’t set up, toys and shit everywhere.

  A pretty little blonde in scrubs came up, tinsel making her sparkle. “Dr. McBride. Oh, man. You rock.”

  “Yeah. Come on, Jenny. Get a move on. Everyone, hurry.”

  “You’re a doctor?” He didn’t mean it like it sounded, like he couldn’t believe it. The Wranglers had thrown him off. No one expected a doctor to look that hot in jeans.

  “Oncologist. Can you grab that there box and get with lighting?”

  “Yep.” Quickly pulling out his phone, he texted Melanie. GOT TREE. MIGHT BE A FEW HRS. NO COFFEE. SORRY. Then he got to work sorting lights and untangling ornament hangers. “So how did you end up with no tree this late in the game?”

  A nurse in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer scrubs sighed, her fingers working a new bulb on an old string of bubbly lights. “The tree guy at the lot on Patterson was supposed to donate two trees after he closed up today. Too bad he skipped town yesterday and only left pine needles.”

  “That sucks.” Maybe he and Melanie would bring Casey in tomorrow with a few toys. He could hit Wal-Mart after he got that tree from Doctor Levi.

  “Yes, but Dr. McBrilliant here jumped in his truck and saved the day.” She raised her voice, loud enough to be heard. “If he was only padded enough to be Santa.”

  “Shit.” It came out like “shee-it” when Levi snorted, decorating wildly, draping red garland over everything. “Half those kids have panic attacks when they see me; the
other half are plotting my immediate demise. I swear to y’all, Katie Johnson and Will Deacon want to stuff crayons up my nose and make me drink barium. Besides, how the hell am I supposed to get me a boyfriend if I’m puffy?”

  The ladies all chuckled, and the nurse next to him sighed. “All the good ones are taken or gay.”

  “Yeah? I thought they were all taken or straight.” His interest in Levi just tripled, and it had pretty strong to begin with.

  “Not that one. Can you imagine? A beautiful, stacked, gay doctor from Texas?” Her eyes rolled. “So not fair.”

  “Less bitching. More decorating. Now, y’all.” The words snapped out and everyone got to it.

  Okay, that was hot. Really hot, in that bossy kind of way. While his fingers worked to untangle a particularly snarled string of lights, Foster’s thoughts wandered to how that growly drawl would sound telling him more sucking and less teasing….

  Whoa. It was Christmas Eve. It had to be, like, a sin to think of sucking and fucking when decorating a tree for cancer ward kids.

  Still, look at that ass, covered in skin-tight denim, shoulders in a flannel shirt that was worn enough to be threadbare. The blond hair, mustache, hint of stubble that he hadn’t even noticed when the cowboy hat was on. Uhn. All of it made him drool a little.

  A sharp elbow caught him in the ribs. “The sooner you get done, the sooner you can buy him a beer,” the little nurse murmured.

  “It’s Christmas Eve. Can you get beer?” That was another nurse.

  “He has beer in his fridge.”

  Lord. Everyone on earth was trying to fix him up with the good doctor. The knot in the lights came loose just about the time he decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially not on Christmas. Gifts. Christmas. Heh.

  They got the room set up with five minutes to spare. The doctor gave hugs to the nurses and then nodded to him. “You ready? The kids will be in here soon.”

  “I am.” He could get the tree, and if he got anything else in the bargain, well, hooray. If not, no harm, no foul.

  “Cool. I wasn’t kidding about not wanting to be here. I’m not these poor kiddos’ favorite beast.”

  “Well, with cancer someone has to be the bad guy.” He’d lost an aunt to breast cancer. He got it, even if he was no medical professional. The kids could hate Levi and love the nurses, who were with them way more. “Let’s go, man.”

  “My apartment’s about four blocks off.”

  A doctor with an apartment? Weird. “You want to just walk? Not like anyone is gonna mug us this time of night here.” Small towns had their uses. Even with the wicked cold, a nice walk would give them time to get to know each other a little.

  “Sure, but…. Hell, I’ll drive us over and we’ll put my tree in the truck. I’m going to need your help undecorating it.”

  “Oh, right.” His ears heated, which was nice, because he was so damned cold. “I feel like an idiot, huh? I’m—you don’t have kids, do you? I mean, I don’t want to be the Grinch.”

  “No, sir. As I’m sure the gals told you, I’m as queer as a three-dollar bill. I do promise it don’t rub off, though.”

  “Hey, you can be a flag-waving tranny drag queen and have kids….” He grinned across the front seat at Levi when he slid into the truck. “I know one of those, by the way. He has two girls.”

  “Oh, yeah? That’s cool. How old are your kids?”

  “She’s not mine. Casey is my roommate’s daughter, and she’s six. Her dad was supposed to have her for Christmas, but he’s dropping her off in the morning to take his new girlfriend to Mexico.” Foster shook his head, unable to believe the guy would be so crass. “No tree, no Christmas dinner, nothing. She’s still young enough to believe in Santa, you know?”

  “Oh man. Man, that sucks.” They pulled into a fancy-assed apartment complex, parked. “I’m on the third floor.”

  “Nice. When they built these, I would have figured it would all be college students, but it’s way swanker than that.” The place had elevators and interior corridors and it smelled fresh and clean. Fancy.

  “It’s good for now. I’m looking for a house. I came up and I wasn’t sure I would stay, but I like it.”

  “So, when did you move up?” There was no way Levi was from anywhere but Texas. Not with that accent. The apartment was open, inviting, but it did have the slightly sterile look of a transient home, the place of someone who knew they would move again.

  “Three months ago, from Dallas-Fort Worth. The snow thing blows my mind.”

  The tree was huge, in the back of the room, and completely decorated with an amazing, weird combination of western and gay pride everything. Wow. Chile pepper lights and rainbow tinsel.

  Just, wow.

  “Are you sure you want to give up your tree?” He didn’t know what he’d do without it, but it seemed a shame to take down all those rainbow condoms.

  “It’s just a tree, man, and you did me a solid.”

  “Well, I’d have to be an asshole not to help those kids.” He gave the lean blond a sideways look. “And you’re smokin’ hot.”

  That earned him a long stare, then a grin. “Well, well….” Levi licked his lips, body shifting. “I try not to look ’til I know that it’s welcome.”

  “Look all you want.” Man, he was feeling reckless. Finding someone in this Western Colorado town to get busy with was rare, and it was an opportunity he shouldn’t pass up. Especially when the someone was studly, handsome, and willing.

  “You have time for a long, hard… look?”

  “Oh, yeah. Casey’s dad is never early. They won’t drop her off until noon.” Please, God and Santa Claus, let the man mean what Foster hoped by “look.”

  His heavy coat was dropped on the sofa, hat placed on a hook. “Oh, Merry Christmas to me,” Levi said, holding out his hand. Talk about straightforward. Christ. Those bright blue eyes ate him up like he was homemade fudge.

  Foster grinned. “Me, too. I’m assuming the belt buckle isn’t overcompensation.” He took his coat off, as well, hoping his sweatshirt and jeans didn’t look too skanky.

  “No, sir. I earned it in college.” He got a slow, slow grin, Levi widening his stance. “Wanna see?”

  “Hell, yes.” He went from interested to needy in a heartbeat. That grin set him on fire, which was as wonderful as it was unexpected.

  Levi stepped forward, hooked his fingers in the belt and tilted his hips, the buckle glinting. The invitation was clear as a bell, and irresistible to boot. Foster closed the distance between them, dropping to his knees to get the best possible view.

  He traced around the edge. “Bareback riding, hmm?” Like he gave a shit what event Levi had participated in. Look at that fat, sweet package. It pressed against the tight Wranglers, pushing at the zipper placket.

  “Mmm. Yeah. I was crazy back then.” One of Levi’s square, warm hands cupped his face, thumb rubbing his lips. “I’m pretty fucking crazy now.”

  “Are you? I promise not to go all bareback on you.” He licked at Levi’s skin, sucking that hard thumb in.

  “Oh, damn, baby. Look at your mouth.” That was a happy little growl, Levi groaning.

  He pulled on Levi’s thumb like he wanted to do with the hidden cock, alternating licking and sucking. He bit a little on the sensitive pad, and then nibbled his way to the base where it met the palm.

  “Damn. You want something bigger? Something better?”

  “Uh-huh.” He let go of Levi’s thumb, nodding hard. “I do.”

  The shiny buckle was popped free, the belt opened along with the man’s fly. Foster breathed deep, smelling musk and clean sweat, his mouth watering. He had to pull that fine cock out, admiring how hard it was, how shiny at the tip.

  Levi took a wider stance, those fingers tangling in his hair. “Don’t tease, honey. Help a guy out and I’ll blow your fucking mind in round two.”

  “Been a while?” He licked his lips, before licking the slit of Levi’s cock, the taste earthy and bitter
and perfect.

  “T… too… too long. Oh fuck.” Levi groaned, rubbing the head of that fat prick on his bottom lip. The slow, deliberate motion left him panting.

  He opened up and took the man in, letting Levi control how deep and fast it went. Foster loved the whole process of sucking cock, loved the way Levi’s prick felt in his mouth. Levi cupped his jaw, holding his head as they found a rhythm.

  That was so hot, the way those fingers held him, not rough, just firm. Confident. Levi was a man who knew what he wanted and took it. That attitude was sexy as hell, just like he’d thought it would be back at the hospital.

  All sorts of hot, filthy little sounds poured over him in that low, gravelly Southern voice. Promises. Damn, but he hoped Levi kept at least a few of them.

  Maybe one or two in particular. Like the one where Levi threatened to tear his ass up. He wanted that so damned bad. It had been too fucking long since someone had given him what he needed, just like it’d been for Levi.

  So, he was going to hold Levi to those promises, after he’d lived up to his. Foster hollowed his cheeks, sucking good and hard, his hands working Levi’s jeans down so he could get to those heavy balls.

  Levi arched, going up on tiptoe, pushing into him, into his throat. He swallowed, his tongue flat underneath, rubbing hard. He didn’t give the man any teeth, though it was tempting to see how rough this could go.

  “Fuck! Soon. Soon,” Levi said, cock swelling even more.

  He knew. He could taste the little drops that fell on his tongue, could feel it in the way Levi’s body strung out tight. Foster pushed up under Levi’s balls, giving them some heavy-duty love.

  Levi grunted, and bittersweet drops splashed on his tongue as Levi came for him. Score! He took every drop in, and he dismissed the niggle of worry about condoms. The guy was a doctor, right? Like the man heard him, he got a look, a nod.

  “I’m clean. I test quarterly because of the job. I’m not spreading anything.” He got a slow, lazy grin. “Except maybe Christmas joy.”

  “I like it. Christmas is getting to be my favorite holiday.” Creaking a little from having been out in the cold, Foster climbed to his feet, starting to strip off his clothes.