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Under the Moon Page 2

  Jamie licked his lips. “Bring that here."

  "Yeah?” Ty laughed, the sound a bark of pure joy, and brought him that long, hard cock, one big hand going underneath it to lift it toward his mouth.

  He grabbed Ty's hips, encouraging the man to straddle him there on the couch. He was surrounded by Ty's scent, by hair-rough skin and muscle. The pressure on his chest was intense, but it didn't cut off his air or anything. If anything it made Jamie's erection harder, made him want Ty's cock even more. He opened his mouth, his tongue flicking out to touch the tip of Ty's prick, and the flavor hit him like a ton of bricks.


  Ty was one of his kind.

  Jamie closed his eyes, refusing to think about what that meant or how stupid he'd been not to see it. He refused to panic, damn it. This was too good to ruin right at the moment.

  That would come soon enough.

  Since he couldn't think of anything else to do, he sucked, letting his cheeks hollow out so he could pull Ty in deep. The tip of Ty's cock hit the roof of his mouth, and Jamie took a deep breath through his nose. That was wild, how good Ty tasted, how he wanted more. He hadn't expected anything like this at all.

  Ty was moaning, hands on Jamie's head, gently at first, then holding his head in place while the man fucked his face. Jamie didn't think of himself as particularly beta, but there was something about Ty taking what he wanted that made Jamie hard as a rock.

  They moved together, Ty really going to town on him, letting him have the full length and breadth of that amazing cock. It was hot. Real hot.

  "Jamie. Fuck. Oh, fuck."

  Jami would have smiled if he could. He could feel the tremors run through Ty's body, the man ready to go off for him. Boom. That would be fucking amazing. He pulled harder, closing his eyes so all he had was taste and feel and smell. That made it so much more intense.

  "Jamie. Gonna.” Ty tried to pull back, but he fought it, letting his lips seal as far down Ty's shaft as he could. He tugged with his mouth, letting the whole thing get a little toothy, and bam.


  "Fuck!” Ty curled down over his head, big body surrounding him completely for a moment. That was the hottest thing ever. It really was.

  When Ty uncurled and pulled him up for a kiss, he had to amend the hottest thing award. Jamie figured Ty could taste himself on his tongue, which wasn't near as freaky as Jamie had always thought it would be when he read about it in the Nifty archive.

  "God, you have an amazing mouth,” Ty murmured, licking Jamie's lower lip.

  "You have an amazing dick. I could get used to being a size queen."

  Ty barked out a laugh. “Cute. What do you need, man?"

  "A hand, at least.” Jamie wiggled, and Ty got off his chest, helping him skin out of his clothes. He wasn't built or hung like Ty, but he wasn't ashamed of what he had, either. His cock was long, and he had a shock of dark hair down there that almost always caused a stir.

  Ty reached down to tug at Jamie's curls. “Nice. I like it."

  "Thanks.” Jamie spread like butter, determined not to think too much. That could so ruin the mood before he got off, and he wanted to get off so bad that his balls hurt. “Touch me, man."

  "No problem.” Ty's fingers curled around his cock and moved up and down. The hold was a little loose, though, so Jamie reached down and squeezed his hand over Ty's.


  "Mmm. I like a guy who knows what he wants."

  "Me, too.” Jamie grinned, showing his teeth. “I almost blew when you grabbed my head."

  "Yeah? I like it.” Ty started stroking harder, really giving what he needed.

  That meant he could raise his hands and stretch out, grabbing the arm of the couch behind his head for leverage. He pushed up, his butt leaving the cushion so he could get more and more. The tip of his cock was wet with pre-come, his balls drawing up nice and tight to his body.

  Ty pressed the tip of his thumb to Jamie's slit, making Jamie's toes curl. Oh, fuck. That was perfect.

  "Again,” Jamie moaned, thrashing a little.

  "Like this?” Ty did it again, harder, widening the tiny hole there just enough to sting. God almighty. The man should be a national treasure, hitting as many of Jamie's kinks as he had in like, five minutes’ time.

  "Yeah. Yeah.” Jamie was chanting, his hips rising and falling with Ty's rhythm. He was so close he could feel static building in his fingertips, could feel the hair rising on his scalp. He held on, though. He had to enjoy this while he could. He'd just have to leave Ty's place after.

  He didn't fuck around with pack. He really didn't.

  "Come on, man.” Ty pressed the hand not around Jamie's cock to Jamie's belly, keeping him from humping so hard. The pressure put an extra tug into every thrust, put extra stress on his overloaded balls. When Ty pinged him again with the thumb maneuver, it was all over but the shouting. He shouted so loud, in fact, that he was hellacious grateful they'd gone to Ty's place and not his. Anton surely would have come knocking.

  His lay there panting, his come all over his belly and Ty's hand, grinning at the ceiling.

  The grin faded when Ty kissed him, muttering, “You're a hot little beta, baby."

  "Thanks.” He pushed Ty aside and rose, searching for his clothes. It was time to get moving when someone started talking in pack language.

  "Did I say something wrong?” Ty watched, sprawling naked on the floor.

  "Nope. I just don't date other weres, man. Bad for the soul, or whatever."

  The expression in Ty's eyes sharpened. “I wondered if you even knew."

  "About me or you? Sussing you out took me longer to figure it out than it should have, I admit. If nothing else I get credit for assuming crazy Anton could never have found two of us in Boulder. Mainly I was just hoping it wasn't true."

  Ty curled a hand around his ankle. “What's the big deal? It could be nice, not having to hide it."

  "It could, sure.” He pulled his foot free. “That's mitigated by the fact that with you, I'd always have to adhere to pack structure. You alpha, me beta, and if I did something you didn't like, I'd pay for it."

  "Hey, have I given you reason to believe I would mess with you?"

  He pulled his shirt on, then his pants. “Nope. But you're an alpha wolf, man. You would do all sorts of shit out of instinct and not even mean to."

  "Bullshit. You don't know me.” Ty climbed to his feet, which was a hell of an endeavor as big as he was.

  Jamie tugged on the rest of his clothes. “Hey, I'm not trying to be a butthead. I just know me. I left the pack a long time ago.” He gave Ty a meaningful look. “So long ago that I didn't even know until I tasted you, okay? I just can't go back there."

  Ty reached out to touch him, but Jamie danced out of the way.

  'You're serious? You don't even want to try to get to know me?"

  Jamie shrugged, his shoulders hunching up permanently halfway through. “I'm sorry, okay? I told you, I don't date other weres. This was fun, but I have to go."

  He didn't give Ty a chance to reach out for him again. If he let those amazing hands that smelled like his come fall on his skin one more time, he might not be able to ignore the confused-moving-into-pissed expression on Ty's face.

  "See you around,” Jamie said and high-tailed it out of Ty's apartment.

  Too bad Ty was a wolf. Wolves were just on his automatic no list. Such a shame. If Jamie wasn't such a coward, he really could get to like the guy.

  * * * *

  Ty waited three days.

  He spent the first day chewing on anything he could find. He started out with potato chips and moved on to rawhides once he went to the vet to get his dog Rufus. They loved to have a good duck-wrapped rawhide together, lying on the rug in front of the sliding glass door and watching squirrels.

  The second day he drank coffee, which was totally out of character for him, and when he got the jitters he went jogging, cursing Jamie's name with every breath. Ty loved to run as a wolf, but
jogging was for insane people.

  The third day he went to the wolf sanctuary where he volunteered. It was a day to take blood samples, and having him there always seemed to calm the wolves. It was while he was watching the most beta male of the pack tuck his tail and duck his head that it occurred to Ty that as the alpha of the pairing it was his job to make Jamie feel safe, and his job to do the pursuing if anyone was going to do it. He was a good hunter, patient and prepared. Why couldn't he get Jamie if he wanted? He was going soft if he really thought that no meant no, especially from someone who could suck him off like that.


  So Ty called Jamie's roommate, Anton.

  "Hey, man, it's Ty."

  "Ty. Oh! Hello, Tyler. I didn't expect to hear from you."

  "No, I guess not.” He'd been pretty rude to the guy, really, showing up, refusing to game, watching movies instead of doing what Anton had clearly expected him to do. “I thought I'd see if you still wanted me to come by and roll up a character."

  "I would very much, yes. I don't have anyone else coming tonight, but you could come make a character and then come back when I have a game going."

  "Cool. Would you like me to bring anything?"

  "Well, I like Coors. Jamie likes chicken wings with bleu cheese if you want any hope of Jamie coming out of his room. I swear under the moon, that boy has no social skills."

  "Oh, hey, I'd hate to leave your roommate out. I'll drop by and get some wings on the way. And some beer for you, of course."

  He kind of felt a little guilty about using Anton to get to Jamie, but he'd try to make it up to the guy somehow. Hell, as obsessed as Anton was with the whole wolf thing, maybe he could take the man to his wolf sanctuary and just show him around.

  He went by the store and got beer before going to the local Wing Stop to get boneless wings and bleu cheese sauce. The smell made his mouth water, and he ended up getting another order to munch on the way. He liked the really hot ones better than the sour buffalo, so he got habanero.

  That was how he ended up with a ring of fire around his lips and a terrible watery eye where he'd rubbed buffalo sauce in it while trying to get rid of the sweat that dripped in his face. Those were some hot wings.

  Anton opened the door and immediately stepped back, eyebrows rising. “What happened to your face?"

  Handing over the closed bag of wings and sauce, Ty summoned up a smile. Or he thought it was a smile. From Anton's horrified expression, he thought maybe it was more a baring of teeth. He just knew it hurt.

  "Can I use your bathroom, man?” he finally asked when Anton just stood there.

  "Shit. Sure. I'm sorry. Come on in.” Anton finally took the bag of wings and let him in, waving vaguely toward the hall where Ty remembered the bathroom living. He went in and scrubbed his hands, which at least made it look less like he'd murdered someone. Washing his face just made it more raw-looking, though, which was not helpful at all.

  The bathroom door was just yielding under his hand again when he heard Jamie in the hall.

  "Do I smell wings, Anton?"

  He hated to jump out and go boo, but that was almost exactly what happened. Jamie met him face to face, stopping dead and staring at him.

  "Dude, what are you doing in my bathroom?"

  Ty spread his hands in what he hoped was a placating gesture. “Anton said you liked wings."

  One dark brow rose almost to Jamie's hairline. “So you ate them on the way over?"

  "I got a double order. Mine were habanero. That was a mistake.” He could barely see Jamie out of his left eye. With the other he noticed how good the man was looking. Lean but fit, Jamie moved easily, and smelled damned good.

  "I can smell it. Those are vicious.” Brushing past him, Jamie headed toward the kitchen. “So, are you here to see Anton?"

  "I told him I would roll up a character.” That was the truth, but he hoped it also told Jamie what he was really there for.

  "Yeah? Well, beware. It just gets scarier from there."

  He was kind of afraid of that, but since he had no real intention of gaming with Anton, it was no big deal. How weird would it be to roleplay a werewolf?

  "We could go get coffee instead."

  "You don't do coffee.” Jamie glanced back at him, frowning. “And I told you what I don't do. Smells good, huh, Anton?"

  Anton stood at the counter, busily arranging wings on a platter. “It does. I told him they were your favorite. I was hoping they'd entice you to roll up a player character."

  "Wow. You two are just full of conspiracies."

  Shit. He hadn't meant for it to come across like that. Ty just spread his hands. “What can I say? I like your company."

  "Uh-huh.” Jamie grabbed a wing and munched. “Mmm. Boneless. Nice."


  Anton looked back and forth between them, an unreadable expression on his face. Ty couldn't blame the guy if he was confused. He had no idea Ty and Jamie had spent some quality sex time together. “Well, Jamie. Will you join us?"

  "No. Not if you game. If you watch a movie, sure."

  Ty bit back the huge grin hat threatened to take over. “Surely we can put on a movie while I roll some dice and make a sheet, huh?"

  Anton nodded slowly. “Of course, of course. I'll go get something started."


  Anton left the little galley kitchen, and Ty immediately invaded Jamie's space. “You smell good."

  "And you smell like burnt flesh. Dude, habanero? What were you thinking? You'll shit fire for days."

  "I did kind of overdo it.” He reached out, but Jamie ducked.

  "Don't be touching me with your burny hands, okay? You probably have enough capsaicin on there to take down a small village. Your face is burning up."

  Okay, so he hadn't thought about how so non-sexy that would be. Really, his wolf had been telling him about his empty belly, and he'd gone on a wee bender. Stress did that to him

  "Sorry. It was better than jogging.” He had about a million things he wanted to say, some clever, a lot of them suave. What came out was, “I got you extra bleu cheese."

  Jamie grinned a little, even though the expression looked rueful. “I thought I told you I don't do this."

  "You said you don't date guys like me. This is not a date. This is hanging out.” Ty kept a straight face, but it was tough when Jamie's expression turned incredulous.

  "You are too much, man. Come on. Anton will be getting antsy."

  They sat, Anton and Jamie ate, and Ty squirmed uncomfortably through The Howling. Not because it was bad or anything, but because his eye was swelling shut.

  "Do you want some Benadryl?” Anton finally asked, frowning in apparent concern. “You look awful."

  Ty opened his mouth, but nothing came out but a croak. Oh, crap, even his throat was swelling a little.

  Jamie licked his fingers, which was insanely hot, even under the bizarre circumstances. “I'll get it. I have some liquid for when I get a mushroom every now and then."

  Ah, so with Jamie it was nightshades. Ty figured he'd best avoid habaneros from now on. Way to be smooth and patient and alpha, he thought. This was like something from a bad chick flick comedy.

  Two little caps full of Benadryl made everything better in about twenty minutes. It also knocked him out cold halfway through Teen Wolf. He didn't even manage a single dice roll for Anton, who was being very nice about everything, bless his weird little gamer heart.

  He heard Jamie and Anton murmuring to one another, and he felt someone ease his boots and socks off before covering him with a blanket. He hung off the couch a little, but that was okay.

  It was time for a nap.

  * * * *

  Jamie stared at the behemoth asleep on his couch and shook his head. Then he started gathering up plates and beer bottles.

  "Thanks for hanging out with us tonight, Jamie,” Anton said, coming to help clear up the napkins and stuff. Wings, even boneless ones, made quite a mess.

  "No prob

  "Yeah, you like him, don't you?"

  Jamie's head snapped up so he could stare at his roommate. “What do you mean?"

  "You don't want to, but you do. I get it. He was here for you, not me."

  "Well, yeah. I mean, no offense, Anton, but you're not queer. Ty likes guys."

  "I figured. I wasn't trying to get in his pants. Just get him to game with me. He has this great personality for an alpha berserker in the game."

  Anton's brown eyes glowed with zeal for a moment. Such a weird little obsession. Jamie only smiled.

  "He's kind of a dork."

  Anton nodded. “He is. Way more than I would have thought. Will you keep an eye on him? I need to run over to Marie's and pick up some manuals. Proofreading job."

  "Sure.” Jamie worked hard not to roll his eyes. It was like ten at night. Picking up manuals was obviously code for I'm going to get laid.

  "Thanks.” Anton finished washing up and headed out, leaving Jamie with a sleeping, and snoring, Ty.

  He went back to the living room to study Ty while the man was unaware. Ty was pretty when he was asleep, blond hair all crazy, that ridiculous rash on his face fading. Poor guy needed some Chapstik, though, in the worst way.

  Whatever had possessed the guy to eat a whole bucket of habanero wings, Jamie thought it was kind of endearing. If Ty had nerves about coming over and pressing Jamie into dealing with him again, it made him less wolf and more human, and Jamie was all about that.

  He sighed and put on another movie, curling up in the big easy chair next to the couch. Anton's throne, he called it, because that was where the man game-mastered from, and he always acted like royalty. He wrinkled his nose a tiny bit, because Anton's scent was a little acrid with smoke, whether cigarette or green, and a little off, somehow. It always had been.

  What a mess the whole Ty thing was. Jamie liked the guy, damn it, and that made it super hard to be mean. Or indifferent. Jamie sighed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He'd have a little nap, too. Then he'd decide what to do with the big, wolfy elephant in the room.

  * * * *

  Ty woke up with a crick in his neck that just wouldn't quit. Evidently he'd fallen asleep somewhere that was too short for his fairly sizable form. He muttered a curse, levering himself up and glancing around, trying to piece together the events of the... Night. It was showing night out the window at the end of the room.