Pack Mentality: Myra's Mate Read online

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  “Yeah, I really do. Or I’d stay and take you up on that look.” Colin grinned, waving his fork. “We okay now?”

  “We were anyway,” she replied. “I’m glad you came in to talk about it though.”

  “Me too.”

  Oh, look at that wolf at the door smile. Smug asshole. Myra tilted her head.

  “I know Steve hadn’t told you before what happened with us. Has he told you since?” she asked.

  Colin growled, the sound raising the hairs on the back of her neck. “He doesn’t talk about you in my presence. Period. I’d rip his head off and shit down his neck.”

  “Oh.” Before meeting Jenny, and subsequently Sasha and Liam, that kind of chest beating might have upset her, or worse, scared her. With Colin it put a hard, little kernel of warmth deep in her belly. Okay, below her belly.

  “Breakfast is good, honey. Thanks. I should go.”

  “Well, go get dressed before I attack you then,” she said, giving his cock very direct look. “Oh, and Colin…”

  “Huh?” he asked, looking both dazed and hungry.

  She smiled, going over to give him a squeeze and a kiss. “Thank you.”

  He groaned, arching into her hand, and kissed her right back. His tongue pushed in to taste her mouth, and wow, so much for him leaving, huh?

  His hands cupped her butt, lifting her so he could rub against her. The towel between them fell away, and his bare skin was all there for her to touch and tease. She started with his chest hair, tugging at it before moving on to his nipples to pinch and pull the way he would hers.

  She got a growl for her trouble, his hips rocking. “I really need to go to work.”

  “I know. I do.” She smiled up at him before slipping down the length of his body, her mouth marking his skin as hers. Wow. Possessive Myra! Who knew? Then she nudged his cock with her lips, making him shout.

  “My, please. God, you’re hotter than a two dollar pistol, honey.”

  “No. That would be you.” Without any more teasing, she sucked him in, her mouth closing around the head of his cock.

  Colin pushed up against her, into her, his hands hard on her shoulders.

  He demanded and she gave, bobbing up and down on him, her lips making wet noises that would have embarrassed her with any other man. With Colin she could let her more primal urges out.

  She could taste the drops of pre-come he was leaking, could feel his heartbeat throb under her tongue, and Myra increased the suction, urging him on. Her hand cupped his balls, the heavy sacs drawn up tight for her, and rolled them against the base of his prick.

  His whole body shuddered, and with a surprised cry, he came for her, his come falling into her mouth and down her throat like an offering at some primitive altar.

  No one had ever tasted like he did. Wild and hot. Like love.

  Myra licked her lips and patted his ass. “You really ought to go to work.”

  Colin blinked down at her, his blue eyes dazed and cloudy. He stroked her hair off her face and laughed, nodding once. “Yeah. But I’ve got to tell you, honey. You just did the best job on me.”

  Chapter 6

  Two days later, Colin was running late when he pulled up in front of Myra and Jenny’s place, his truck sputtering a little ominously.

  They didn’t have a date. Hell, he wouldn’t have any plans with anyone for the next three days. It was the damned first night of the full moon tonight, and Colin already felt it pushing at him like a giant hand on the top of his head. Like gravity was three times as strong as it usually was.

  Normally he would just go meet up with the other pack members and get ready to run. They didn’t all meet together by any means. Like Jenny and Sasha and Liam tended to run on their own out by Jenny’s vet clinic. There was always someone around to run with, but today he’d realized he’d forgotten to tell Myra he wouldn’t be around for a few days, and he wanted to explain it to her while he was still able.

  Oh, Colin knew she knew about the nights as a wolf and the days as a growly bastard. She roomed with Jenny, after all. It just didn’t seem right to be dating her and leave her hanging, was all.

  The sun still shone overhead when he knocked, but Colin felt the moon-like blanket, and he knew he had maybe an hour before he had to go. Before he had to try to get someplace out of town so he could get wild as soon as it got dark.

  He knocked on Myra’s door, and for a long moment he thought no one was home, despite her little Beetle being parked outside. Then he picked up a hint of her scent, fresh and deep with something he couldn’t quite identify.

  “My? Let me in.”

  “Coming!” He heard her call.

  The door opened to a very frazzled looking Myra, her hair flying all over, her freckles standing out on her nose. “Oh, hey, Col. Uh. I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

  “What? Yoga? Look, I need to talk a minute. Can I come in? I’m kinda in a rush.” He was bouncing up and down on his toes, the itch becoming unbearable.

  “Oh. Um.” She bit her lip, eyes darting left and right. “Okay, sure.”

  She stood back and let him in, which was a relief. That meant she wasn’t in there with someone.

  Colin pushed past her, looking around, his fingers tapping against his thighs. The place looked very clean. Like she’d been on a tear with the nesting or something. It even smelled like pine cleaner. Lord.

  “I just wanted to let you know I wouldn’t be around for a few days after tonight,” he said. “I didn’t want you to worry that something was wrong, or that I didn’t want to see you.”

  One slender hand pushed into her hair, sweeping the red mass off her shoulder. The expression in her green eyes was pure ‘duh.’

  “I know. The full moon,” she said. “I get it.” Then she grinned at him, reaching out to pat his chest. “It was very sweet of you to come by though. Thank you.”

  “I know I could have just called, huh, but I wanted to see you.”

  Suddenly he wanted to taste her, too, to put his mark on her. So Colin grabbed her by the arms and hauled her up for a hard, lip smacking kiss. She moaned and wrapped around him, her arms and one leg coming up to hold him. Fuck, yes. Just yes.

  Just about the time he was debating whether he should push her up against the door or take her to the couch, she unraveled and put her hands flat against his chest, pushing him away.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” he asked.

  “Don’t you need to go? “ Her lips were swollen, her eyes dazed and her breath coming in sharp pants. She was as into it as he was, damn it.

  “Why? I have an hour or so before I even have to leave town,” he said.

  Something like panic flashed in her eyes, and her whole body shuddered. “Oh. That’s… oh…”

  The second ‘oh’ came out as a groan. Myra doubled over, holding her belly.

  “My? Honey? What is it?” He caught her arms, feeling the outrageous heat of her skin. “Jesus, what’s wrong?”

  “You. You may be a late changer. I’m not.” Looking up at him, she made a rueful face, even as her eyes shimmered, going from green to blue.

  “What? You’re not a werewolf, honey. I know that. What the hell are you talking… Holy shit!”

  Colin leaped back when Myra’s body shimmered, her whole form seeming to waver. He’d seen it hundreds of times. She was changing. Myra. Who wasn’t pack. Changing.

  He’d barely blinked twice before the change was over and Myra was just… gone.

  In her place stood a naked man, and it was like looking in the mirror. Hell, he was looking in the mirror. “Myra?” he asked, his voice sounding like it came out over a cheese grater.

  God, was that what he looked like when he made that apologetic little smile? “Sorry, Colin,” he… My said. “I tried to warn you, but I’m an early shifter. And unlike you, I won’t change back in the morning. I’ll be… you. All three days.”

  “You’re Myra under there, right?” The oddest fucking thing was that she still smelled like M
yra. Not him. Or, you know, what he would smell like from the outside perspective.

  “Yeah.” She raised her hands that were his hands and shrugged, muscles sliding under his -- no her -- skin.

  Jesus, that was weird.

  “So you…” he trailed off, not knowing how to ask, ‘so what are you?’

  “I change, but not like you. I’m just. Well. A ‘were’ I guess.”

  “Honey, that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Yes, well. Now you know why Steve had issues.”

  A light dawned in his brain. “Steve wanted to have sex with you like this.”

  Myra looked down at his body. On her. “Well, not like this exactly,” she said with a little laugh that sounded like him, only her too.

  “No, he wanted to have sex with himself.”

  “Yes.” She kept sneaking little worried glances at him. Man, she’d better not go out as him with the body postures she was throwing around. Someone would try to take him down and subordinate him. “I told him it was a bad idea, but he insisted.”

  “He hated it?”

  Myra snorted. “No. He liked it. That was the problem.”

  Colin stared at her a moment before bursting out laughing. Yeah. Yeah, okay, he could see that. His body shivered, the one he was in, and he knew it was time to go.

  Damn it.

  “Look, we can talk about this in a few days. Believe me, we need to. Right now…”

  “Yeah,” she interrupted. “You have to go. Before things get wolfy and you try to eat me.”

  “Exactly. Honey, do you mind if you stay in a few nights?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Colin, do you think I want people thinking I’m you?” She waved one big hand, but in a gesture that was all Myra. “Go. We’ll talk later.”

  Colin would have said more, but his spine was crawling with the need to run, so he just nodded and turned on his heel. He couldn’t look at himself all dangly and right there and shit anymore.

  “I’ll see you in three days, honey,” he called out when he left, his mind reeling.

  All in all, he figured that whole ‘I can’t see you for three days’ talk had gone better than he’d planned.

  * * *

  Myra paced. Well, her Colin body paced. It was weird to watch it, to look down at her hands and have them be big old paws.

  She’d jacked off like a million times.

  The damned sun needed to come up. Day three of the full moon was almost over, and she wanted a smoothie. She wanted one with orange juice and wheat germ and frozen yogurt so bad she could taste it. She’d even made one the day before, only to have the big doofus of a body she was in toss it back up in rebellion.

  Damn it.

  She was never spending the moon as Colin again. No sir. She’d go find a nice poodle, or a marmot or something. That would be easier than dealing with Colin’s body when he wasn’t even there!

  Besides, she missed the real thing.

  Dawn finally broke the horizon about seven a.m., and Myra breathed a sigh of relief once the change was upon her. Look at that. Skinny hands and skinny arms and red hair all down where it should be. Freckles. She had missed her freckles.

  The knock at the door startled her nearly to a heart attack, making her jump a mile. Whoever it was could just go away. She wanted that smoothie. And a shower.

  “Colin!” she exclaimed, opening the door and stepping back to let him in. “You’re out and about early.”

  “I know.” He smelled like the woods, like grass and wood and smoke, but he was dressed and his blond mane was combed. So he had obviously been home. He also had the beginnings of a heck of a shiner around one eye.

  Myra frowned, reaching up to touch his cheek. “What happened?”

  Colin took her hand, kissing her fingers, his mouth shaping a rueful grin. “I was in such a hurry to get dressed and get here that I got a little snarly with Steve. I’m not at all sure he’ll want to be the best man at our wedding.”

  She blinked. “I should get dressed if you’re going to propose.”

  “Don’t you mean undressed?” he asked, moving close enough for her to feel his heat, even through his T-shirt and jeans.

  Pushing a hand through her hair, she gave him a look. “No, I’m pretty sure I mean dressed. It’s not fair, somehow.”

  “I could get undressed.” One arm snaked around her waist, and Colin pulled her up for a kiss that curled her toes. Her breasts flattened against his chest, and she hummed, loving the feel of him.

  “Okay,” she finally managed, reaching for his belt. “You can get undressed.”

  They struggled with his stubborn belt together, but finally got it. The button and zipper on his jeans seemed much easier after the belt, and his T-shirt went like nothing going, flying off to one corner of the room.

  Colin dropped to his knees, his cheek against her belly while he kissed her hipbone. His fingers dug into the flesh of her butt, his thumbs caressing her hips. When he pressed a kiss between her legs, she cried out, widening her stance. Then his tongue found her clit, and the whole world started to spin.

  Licking at her, lapping at her pussy, Colin had her reeling in no time, giving her all the pleasure she could stand and then some. He was relentless, his tongue pushing inside of her over and over, only to come back out and lash against her clit, making her knees shake and her hands weak.

  Myra hung there, lost in pleasure, for who knew how long, his mouth working her like there was no tomorrow. Then he let go of her hip with one hand and slid two fingers right into her, and that was that. Myra came, her arms up in air like she was doing a fertility dance to the Goddess. She shook all over, her whole body hot and tight, until finally she slumped down on Colin, holding on for dear life.

  “You ready to ride, honey?” he asked, pulling her astride his thighs so his cock poked at her.

  Myra just nodded, clutching his shoulders, feeling pleasure winding up like a spring inside her again.

  Lifting her, Colin moved her so his cock sat at her entrance, then pushed right inside. Without a condom. He’d been the one to insist on them, so scared she might get pregnant, and that he wasn’t using one now told her a lot about how serious he was.

  It only made it better. The feel of his cock inside her seemed huge, never ending. Myra moved up and down at the touch of his hands on her hips, her fingers digging into his shoulders while her mouth demanded a kiss.

  Colin gave it to her, all of it, the kiss and his body rocking hard into her. The heat of his skin seared her, the muscles moving under his skin fascinated her, and Myra just couldn’t get enough. She needed him closer, more, now.

  When he reached down between them to stroke her clit she went off like the Fourth of July, her body clamping down on him in hard spasms.

  Colin shouted, his body bucking, his cock throbbing inside her. He shot for her, filling her like he had the very first time, deep and hot and wet. So good.

  All she could do was hang there and let the pleasure take her over completely.

  Panting, Colin finally lowered her to the floor, stretching out beside her, his hand possessive on her belly.

  “So, I didn’t scare you off by turning into you? Or telling you I had sex with Steve as Steve?”

  “Hell, no,” he said. “Here I was worried that even though you knew what I was and that you roomed with Jenny, you would still think I was a freak. Shit, some part of me was probably scared of whatever it was that had happened with Steve, too. That was really all that was holding me back.”

  He grinned at her, his blue eyes shining, his grin wide and white.

  “No, you held off because I wasn’t pack.”

  “Well, you need to be somebody’s pack,” he said. “Why not mine?”

  “You’re serious?” she asked, going up on one elbow, her hair trailing across his chest. “You really want to get married?”

  “I do. That was a serious proposal. I figured we’d go to the antique shop and get you a ring. I know you l
ike the old stuff.” All of the humor fled his face in favor of a serious, intent expression. “I love you, Myra. I think I have since I met you. Seeing you change just crystallized it all for me. I knew no matter what Steve said, or Jenny or Sasha or Liam… well, I needed to know that part of you. And that I had chosen you for myself. No scheming matchmakers or freaked out roommates required.”

  “Oh.” Lord, that was the least romantic ramble she’d ever heard, but it was also perfectly him. “I love you, too, Colin. I’d be thrilled to marry you. Whether Steve comes to the wedding or not.”

  He barked out a laugh, his arms wrapping around her so he could roll them over and over in a wild tumble, his joy a palpable thing.

  “I love you, honey. I couldn’t wait to come tell you.”

  Myra landed on his chest when they stopped, hands braced on his pecs so she could laugh at him, could bend down and kiss his mouth.

  “I’m glad you didn’t wait,” she said. “What did you and Steve fight about this morning?”

  Colin laughed, patting her ass. “You. I told him he would have to move out by the time the wedding rolled around.”

  “Oh, I bet that went over like a lead balloon,” she said. Secretly, she couldn’t have been more pleased to see Steve finally get his comeuppance, even though she’d never invite such bad karma as to say it out loud.

  “Yeah. The fur really started to fly when I told him if he ever started rumors about you again I would eat him, starting at his toes and making sure he felt every bit of the pain.”

  Pleased deep inside with that idea, Myra kissed Colin again, rewarding him with some really deep tongue. “My hero,” she said when they broke for air. “You deserve breakfast.”

  “I so do,” he agreed, kissing her throat, her collarbones. “What have you got?”

  Myra licked his lower lip, laughing, tickled deep down that this man was hers, even with all the worries and struggles. “How about a smoothie?”


  Steve came to the wedding. So did Jenny, Sasha, Liam, and a couple hundred other folks. From the guy who bought Myra’s smoothie powder for his goats to the lady who did Colin’s dry cleaning, everyone was there.